Thursday 24 March 2016

Contents page plan


Front cover final draft - 

Front cover draft 2

Front cover draft 1

Front Cover Plan 

The two images is a plan for my front cover and how i would like it to look like. I made a two plans. The first plan is to show how an actual music magazine is visualised in my head. The second plan is to show what i want my reggae magazine to look like and how i want it laid out. I made sure i had a lot of space on my front cover so small attributes can fit in such as the banners, other images etc. 



These are screen shots of my one of my methods for my audience research which is a  questionnaire. I used a questionnaire to gain a better insight on what the general public think about music magazines. i also had to use some of their ideas onto my own reggae magazine. 

My Key Findings:

From my questionnaires i had gathered significant amount information about music magazines. The questions had taught me a lot about my own reggae and what is expected on a normal reggae music magazine. For example the colours of the magazine' red, blue, green, yellow. These are colours associated  with reggae and what the audience thinks makes a reggae magazine. Also i made sure that i focused on both genders and primarily had the same ideas and thoughts reggae and the theme. For my questionnaire i asked about price, title's of a reggae magazines. i also asked about the type of genre's they listen to and the magazines that they listen to as well.