Monday 11 April 2016


Question 6 steps by steps screenshots:

For my magazine progress I had to practice using Photoshop these are some of the pictures I took step by step to make the finishing product my reggae magazine.
1. This is a screenshot of when I started to get the hang of using the tools, inserting shapes and texts on the blank canvas. This was a process of me making my contents page.

2. I changed my contents page after knowing how to put my work in columns. I also added headlines and captions for my images and what they are going to be about.

3.  This is a screenshot of my final contents page as I added to different factors that includes in my magazine. For example my features is what is included in the magazine. But my regulars is what is always in my magazine every month.


For my font cover and double page spread I went through the same process as well. Learning how to use the tools on Photoshop.


Overall, I learnt how to use Photoshop and how to operate the tools to make my magazine. I made use of using web applications such slide share etc.


EBI- if I used more skills on Photoshop making my front cover a lot more vibrant hence it is a reggae magazines.



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